Saturday 16 May 2009

Poll and a new subscriber : )

Hi guys!

Sorry for the lack of posts- but I've been busy (extremely) and sick (which doesn't help with being busy : ) ).

Lately I've been trying some new features- I wanted to make a new background for my blog, but it didn't look good at all..... Half of the features were gone , and such.... So I decided to stick with this one : )

But, I managed to make a poll (which was NOT easy- it took me a few tries, cause things were not looking they way I wanted them to) : )

So please, If you have time- go to he left of this post and look at the poll : )

Plus, I wanted to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to the new subscriber : ) Thanks so much for taking your time to click on that subscribe button- it really means a lot to me : )